Chemical Products

Ácidos orgánicos e inorgánicos: Clorhídrico, Fosfórico, Nítrico, Sulfúrico, etc.

Organic and Inorganic Acids: Hydrochloric, phosphoric, nitric, sulphuric, etc.

Alkalis: Caustic Soda,cristal solda,sodium carbonate.

Agrochemical products and Fertilizers: Gibberellic acid, sulphates, nitrates, phosphoric acid, zinc
oxide,auxins, Cytoquinins, etc.

Hydrogen peroxide in different concentrations.

Detergents: industrial, domisanitary.

Desinfectants: Aktiv Plus,peracetic acid, Hipochloric, diary farm line, formol .

Mycofix Plus y Mycofix Select: Micotoxin deactivation for poultry,swuine, cattle.

Pigments and Colourings: iron oxide, ETC.

Solvents. Thinner, turpentine,hydrocarbon solvent.